Diadem-Events Present The Symposim: A Digtial FemDom Digest
Join us for a kick off mixer and day long digital conference covering a wide range of kink/BDSM/ sex positive topics through the FemDom lifestyle len.
No matter if you are on the right or left side of the slash, Diadem has you covered with workshops. New or an expert, you will find a carefullly curated schedule featuring 101 and 201 level classes and workshops.
Featuring 2 digital classrooms, 10 workshops/classes, as well as a mixer with speed dating event to kick us off the night before.
Class/Workshop examples:
Demystifying the FemDom in Pop Culture and Media
Casting a Glamour, Submissive Confidence
Quarantine Scene: Negotiating & Executing an Online Scene
And more!
The Jiffy Kink Speed Dating and Mixer is Friday, September 11th starting at 5PM PST
The Symposium is Saturday, September 12th with opening ceremonies starting at 9 AM PST
Just The Jiffy Kink Speed Dating and Mixer $10 (Limited to 36 tickets)
The Symposium is $30 for single digital access or $50 for couples or more
We look forward to sharing digital space with you.