MX. / FM: A Burlesque & Drag Experience

By Puckduction Presents (other events)

Friday, April 19 2024 7:00 PM 9:30 PM PST


A Burlesque & Drag Experience is a quarterly boombox featuring some of the most amazing talent in burlesque and drag set to the music that continues to define us!

We kick this series off with Janet, Ms. Jackson if you're nasty!

That's right, acts will pay tribute to this icon and trust us you won't be leaving asking what have we done for you lately!

With performances by

Versace Doll

Ava D'jor (OLY)

Obscura Fox (PDX)

D'Monica Leone

Pinay Grigio

Lavish The'Jewel

Ryder Nightlong

and more!

No need to change that dial, this Puckduction is popping up at Julia's on Broadway

See you April 19th!


This event is 21+